codehakase's logs

Notes mostly about software engineering and what I’m working on.

Recent posts

Nov 18, 2017
Golang - Getting Started, The Practical Dev Getting started with Go
Oct 28, 2017
Terminal for Beginners! A simple guide to getting started with the Terminal
Sep 2, 2017
How I Learned Golang How I started with Go Programming
Aug 12, 2017
JavaScript Async/Await 101 A simple guide to getting started with Async and Await in JavaScript
Jun 19, 2017 vs for...of Loops in JavaScript Differences between the and for..of loops in javascript
Jun 13, 2017
Build your first RESTful API with Node.js A simple guide to building RESTful apis with Node.js
May 30, 2017
Making hakasebot - Twitter Bots 101 Learn how to make a twitter bot from this guide
May 25, 2017
JavaScript Objects 101 A gentle guide to getting started with JavaScript Objects
May 21, 2017
Introduction to JavaScript Promises The basics you need to know, about promises in JavaScript
May 17, 2017
Object-Oriented PHP - An Easy Approach A simple guide to getting started with Object Oriented PHP